Organic, Conventional,
Vegan & Plant-based Rice Pastas

Gluten-free Rice Pasta
Organic, Conventional, Vegan & Plant-based

We keep it Simple! We make it Great!

A Premium Product
All our pastas are uniquely made with rice grains freshly wet-ground and put to production. To prevent cross-grain contamination at production, all our pastas are made with one type of grain only, i.e. rice. No other grain, no wheat, corn, dairy, nuts, peanuts, preservatives or emulsifiers.
Our entire production and all machines is strictly committed to make rice pastas. We do not use GMO ingredients and all our pastas are Non GMO Project Verified. Vegan. Koshered.
One ingredient + vegetable powder (for vegetable rice pastas). We have always your wellness and enjoyment in mind. Certified Gluten-free, great for gluten avoidance, perfectly textured to fulfill any mission for indulging pasta meals!
Commitment + Dedication

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